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I’m an interior designer and a carpenter. 

With a keen eye for aesthetics and functionality, I blend my design expertise with my craftsmanship to create welcoming and functional spaces. The combination of my skills allows me to conceptualize designs and bring them to life with meticulous attention to details.

Whether crafting custom furniture pieces or transforming entire interiors, this duality build my strength and my happiness at work.

It's with a real passion for my craft and diligence that I embark on my projects and bring them to fruition.

Attentive to the needs and wishes of future users, I develop individual concepts that take into account the context in which the space or piece of furniture will be integrated.

I'm convinced that the beauty and functionality of a space have a strong influence on our well-being and I would like to play a role in this transformation.

I place the question of ecology at the heart of my work. I suggest and advise my customers on sustainable and local solutions that enable the project and its economics to make sense in a long term for them and for the planet.


I work as an independent interior designer and cabinet maker since 2012.

Coming back in Berlin after a year in New York in 2013 and then a joinery training in Paris in 2015, I started a close collaboration with Hugo Luque-Segura. As well architect and woodworker, we share a carpentry workshop in Lichtenberg, producing most of our projects together under the name UTO. 

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Instagram  UTO


Bachelor degree in Space Design, Ecole Boulle, Paris



Product Design, Universität der Künste (UDK), Berlin



Master degree in Interior Architecture

Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD), Paris


collaboration with Analog Modern

Carpentry, New York



Woodworking training, INFA, Paris


collaboration with Hugo Luque-Segura, UTO

Interior Architecture and Carpentry, Berlin 



Aside from my work presented on this website,

I have worked for different architecture studios and Woodworkers in Paris, Berlin and New York. If you are curious to know more let's talk about it.

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